Reputation – MPs: Overview
Read more about the reputation of pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK among MPsThe industry continues to have a positive reputation in Westminster - but many MPs are increasingly neutral towards it
Pharmaceutical companies operating in the UK continue to be well regarded by MPs as the country moves on from the pandemic – a factor that has partly shaped MPs’ views of the sector over the past two years.
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Familiarity with the sector is stable and most parliamentarians have a positive opinion of it. There is little change to the proportion of MPs willing to speak highly of the sector and most are neutral. Its reputation is similarly positive to the other health-focussed institutions tested. Of the other non-health industries tested, only the Food and Drink industry attracts higher levels of advocacy.
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The concept MPs most commonly associate with the industry is innovation; positive perceptions of its R&D underpins its reputation, alongside its performance during COVID and contribution to the UK economy.
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Last modified: 20 September 2023
Last reviewed: 20 September 2023